The Dangers of Eliminating No-Fault Divorce

Recent statements by prominent Republicans, including Republican Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance, have created a contentious debate about the future of no-fault divorce in the United States. Their push to eliminate this legal provision poses significant dangers, particularly to women, especially those trapped in abusive marriages. Understanding the implications of this proposed change is crucial in safeguarding women’s rights and […]

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We Need to Talk About Divorce Coaches

I’ve had some conversations with my colleagues lately about the divorce coaching industry, and frankly, we’re all a bit concerned—and you should be too.The life coaching industry is completely unregulated, which means that anyone can call themselves a life coach—without any training whatsoever. The same is true of divorce coaches. Almost all divorce coaches I know went through a divorce […]

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How To Get Your Spouse To Leave The GD House Already

This is an enormous issue I see over and over again in my practice: Women finally get the strength to pull the trigger and file for divorce…and then they’re stuck in the house with their abusers for the foreseeable future. More often than not, these women, many of whom also work full-time, are the primary caretakers of children who reside in the […]

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Gaslighting in the Media: Dangerous Misinformation in Time Magazine

Recently I was asked for a quote by Time Magazine for an article about gaslighting.Here’s what they asked for:What to say to the personWhy it’s effectiveAny tips on delivery/do you leave right after/how do you follow-up/etc.Here’s what I submitted:“Because true gaslighting is deliberate, there’s usually nothing you can say to them to get them to stop. Gaslighting is a tactic […]

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The Definition of a Narcissist and Why You Don’t Really Need to Know It

“Is my husband a narcissist?”I hear this question allllll the time from my clients.And I get why — because they desperately want to make sense of their partner’s crazy-making behavior. They’re searching for something concrete to latch onto that explains why they feel so damn crazy.Since you’re here, I’m thinking you can relate…Maybe your partner makes you feel like everything […]

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Setting the Record Straight on Parental Alienation and How to Fight It

We need to have a serious conversation about the insidious and dangerous term “parental alienation.” If you’re going through a divorce with a toxic spouse, you might have heard this phrase thrown around in court. On the surface, it sounds legitimate and intimidating. But here’s the thing… It’s a load of crap.“Parental alienation” is a claim used by abusers to manipulate the […]

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Want a Divorce? To Get Out of Limbo, YOU Have to Take the Wheel

Are you feeling stuck in limbo, contemplating what to do when you want a divorce? As a divorce coach that empowers women going through divorce, trust me when I say you’re not alone.  Because here’s the thing — women in cis-hetero relationships have to do everything. Literally everything. And we’re exhausted. The invisible weight of life’s tasks is relentless, and […]

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Don’t Let THIS Be the Reason You Stay in a Toxic Marriage

Are you trying to decide if you want to leave your toxic marriage?Maybe you’ve had enough. Enough of…The lies.The confusion.The controlling behavior.The explosive outbursts.The walking on eggshells.And most of all — that feeling that no matter WHAT you do, it’s never good enough.You can’t take it anymore. You know you deserve to be treated better. So you finally tell your […]

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Moving on After Divorce: Why Letting Go of Your Ex Is So Important

Is your emotional attachment to your ex-husband keeping you emotionally tethered to the relationship, even after deciding to pursue a divorce?It’s not uncommon to find yourself still walking on eggshells to avoid conflict with your ex…Allowing them to maintain control over the narrative with your children…Deferring to their decisions, even when they don’t align with your values…Relying on them for […]

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New Workshop Series:

Divorce Decoded:

Unveiling the Secrets Your Attorney Isn’t Telling You

Join three of the top experts in the legal, financial and psycho-emotional aspects of divorce for an innovative and informative workshop series, Divorce Decoded: Unveiling the Secrets Your Attorney Isn’t Telling You, where we reveal insider knowledge essential for navigating your divorce with confidence and clarity.

September 24 – October 29, 2024