About a month ago someone in a Facebook group I’m in mentioned that there was a three-podcast series by another member of our group that had completely shifted everything in her life.

That’s a really bold statement, so at first I rolled my eyes and started to scroll on by. But then I saw the title of the series: Patriarchy Stress Disorder. And I’ll tell you the minute I read those words, everything changed for me too. I didn’t know what they meant, but I knew exactly what they meant.

In this episode I interview psychologist, author, and speaker, Dr. Valerie Baker who pioneers healing Patriarchy Stress Disorder™ (PSD)–the trauma of 1000s of years of oppression imprinted in women’s DNA.

We discuss how this affects our relationships today, and how we’ve set such a low bar for our expectations of our relationships that we end up accepting crumbs…and Dr. Valerie assures us that there is so much more out there for all of us — even in our current marriages!

Dr. Valerie calls PSD the invisible inner prison that keeps women from experiencing their ultimate success and happiness.

In over 20,000 hours of her work as a therapist and coach to successful women, Dr. Valerie has guided thousands of women’s PSD jailbreaks. She helps high-achieving women who’re sick and tired of sacrificing their health, sanity, and love lives to heal PSD so they can finally marry their professional and personal success and happiness–and fully enjoy it.

More about Dr Valerie:

Discover how Patriarchy Stress Disorder™ (PSD) is affecting you: www.psdandme.com

Ready for your PSD jailbreak? Apply for a complementary session with Dr. Valerie Baker to create your jailbreak plan: www.jailbreakstrategy.com

Find Dr. Valerie on social media:



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